Preparing your tax return on your own may seem like a way to save money but if you don not know what you are doing, it could end up costing you in overpaid taxes or might even incite an IRS audit. Don not take risks with your tax return, trust CMA Systems, Inc for error-free tax preparation in the Miami, Hollywood area that is fast and affordable. Our Accounting Firm employs powerful tax strategies to help clients minimize state and federal taxes and hold on to more of their hard-earned money.
When we prepare your tax filings, we will capitalize on every incentive, break, and deduction available to accurately prepare your tax return. You can be confident that your taxes are the lowest possible because we constantly monitor changes in tax legislation and identify opportunities to legally and effectively reduce taxes for our clients. Unlike impersonal tax software, we care about reducing taxes for our clients so we will make sure you never pay one dollar more than you legally owe.
From income tax preparation for individuals to complex corporate taxes for businesses, you will like working with us because we make filing taxes easy. Just send us your paperwork, receipts, and prior tax returns and we will take care of everything. Call us at 786-853-0603 now and request a free consultation to get started.
Miami, Hollywood Tax Preparer
- Business tax preparation including corporate and LLC
- Multi-state tax filings for businesses
- Income tax returns for individuals
- Trust and estate tax returns
- Form 990 tax return preparation for nonprofits
- Expatriate tax preparation and FBAR filing
- Quicker tax refunds with E-file